
The progenitors of massive galaxy clusters

Protoclusters are the pre-collapse descendants of massive galaxy clusters. In my first paper I explored the sizes and shapes of these objects, and methods for their characterisation and detection (Lovell et al., 2018).

I have also worked with colleagues to explore other aspects of protocluster evolution and detection (Chen et al., 2023), and more generally the impact of environment on galaxy evolution in the FLARES project (Lovell et al., 2021).



  1. A&A
    ALMACAL. XI. Over-densities as signposts for proto-clusters? A cautionary tale
    Jianhang Chen, R. J. Ivison, Martin A. Zwaan, and 6 more authors
    A&A, Jul 2023
    ADS Bibcode: 2023A&A...675L..10C


  1. MNRAS
    First Light And Reionization Epoch Simulations (FLARES) - I. Environmental dependence of high-redshift galaxy evolution
    Christopher C. Lovell, Aswin P. Vijayan, Peter A. Thomas, and 4 more authors
    MNRAS, Jan 2021


  1. MNRAS
    Characterising and identifying galaxy protoclusters
    Christopher C. Lovell, Peter A. Thomas, and Stephen M. Wilkins
    MNRAS, Mar 2018