• PhD at UoS

    I’m incredibly proud to reveal that I’ll be starting a PhD at the University of Sussex this September. It’s something I was considering even before I finished my masters; I was fortunate enough to get sidetracked by a very rewarding and eye opening two years in the City, but I...

  • Google cardboard is awesome

    Despite reading article after article on, and getting very excited about, virtual reality, I had yet to actually get my hands on a headset, my main excuse being that I’m not mad rich enough to get an oculus rift, and neither are any of my friends. Fortunately, Google solved this...

  • An alternative holiday slideshow using Odyssey.js

    My girlfriend Annie and I went away to Hong Kong and Dubai earlier this year. Rather than trotting out the usual Facebook holiday photo album I thought I’d do something a little different with our snaps this time. Odyssey.js is a JavaScript library that makes it easy to weave maps...

  • Using Monte Carlo methods to estimate pi

    You’ve just bought a brand new computer. You excitedly rip open the packaging, carefully extract it from the box, remove the protective film from the screen (so satisfying) and, after 10 hours of charging, boot it up. It turns on fine, and everything seems to be functioning normally. It’s only...

  • New blog design

    Just updated the design of this blog. Used a free github pages template from phuse, a design company, called strange_case. The default comes with a pained portrait of Mr. Hyde, which I quickly swapped out for a less (?) disturbing image, the Hubble deep field. I also updated my code...

  • A failed twitter election analysis, and lessons learnt

    I had grand data-based plans for the recent British general election. My ‘novel’ (as far as I’m aware) idea was to capture all tweets from the candidates over the election period, and do some time series analysis around the kinds of terms used. I’ve been developing a package to do...

  • How technologically illiterate are our political leaders, and does it matter?

    The digital age calls for technology aware policy makers. Digital currencies, encryption and online privacy present a few of the challenges facing governments across the world. Yet the majority of these governments are composed of those with little to no grasp of the basics of how technology works. Most politicians...

  • Adding Google Analytics to GitHub Pages

    Quick post today on how to add Google Analytics tracking to your GitHub pages site. First, head over to Google Analytics and sign up. After entering your details and green lighting the T&C’s you’ll be directed to an admin page. This will give you the tracking code that you need...